JETS 15th Academic Year Launched
Dear Friends of JETS,
We invite you to join us in wishing students, teachers and administrators the best of luck as we kick off our 2019-2020 academic year! With our expanded course offerings, new digital marketing department, as well as our new mentorship program, we know that this will be the best year yet at JETS.

JETS Community is a Source of Strength
As we enter the new school year, we’ve been reflecting on how our school is not only making a difference in the lives of our students, but is a part of many local and global communities. Today, with so much turbulence on the world stage, as well as the internal turbulence that we all struggle with, JETS is a source of strength and a beacon of hope for our students, staff, and the world at large. Now more than ever, the world needs to see the unity, support and acceptance that the JETS community provides.
In fact, JETS was recently featured in an article on COLlive, a leading Jewish news service. “JETS is an opportunity for today’s youth to use their G-d-given talents to achieve success and give back to their communities,” COL states.

L’Shana Tova!
From all of us at JETS, we wish you a Shana Tova and a Happy New Year! May the New Year bring joy, peace, and happiness to you and your entire family.
To Your Success,
Your friends at JETS
Jewish Educational Trade School