“JETS is more than a Yeshiva – it’s a family”: Over 20 bochurim graduated from the Los Angeles Yeshiva, including 15 bochurim with Smicha, and other graduates who received High School diplomas, and certificates in Digital Marketing, Computer Coding, Real Estate Development, and more.

Jewish Educational Trade School (JETS), the innovative Los Angeles-based yeshiva that combines Torah learning with real-world skills, celebrated the many accomplishments of its students and graduates and the ordination of 15 Smicha students at its June Graduation.
The ceremony was emceed by HaTamim Heshy Dudovitz and began with introductory remarks by founder and director Rabbi Mayer Schmukler. Rabbi Schmukler congratulated the class of 2023 and all JETS students. He stated his pride and acknowledged the student’s hard work and determination. Rabbi Schmukler then blessed all the students with abundant success in their future endeavors and said they all should continue giving everyone Chassidishe Yiddishe Nachas.
HaTamim Tzvi Glick then read a letter of the Rebbe, acknowledging the students’ hard work and dedication throughout the year.

Rabbi Mendel Zirkind, who heads the Smicha program, which includes Shluchim and older students, presented the Smicha certificates to the Smicha graduates: Meir Bernstein, Eli Cagen, Mendel Goldstein, Yitzchak Goldstein, Elazar Israily, Mendel Kagan, Shally Lipszyc, Motti Lipszyc, Yanky Rimler, Sholom Rosenbluh, Yisroel Sanowicz, Dovid Simpson, Shaya Skoblo, Shalom Tuller, and Zalman Vishedsky.
Rabbi Moshe Bitton and the JETS Students Band, Sholom Davidoff, Chaim Wuensch, Shua Magalnic, Shalom Tuller, Dovber Rabin, and Tzvi Glick, treated the audience to a music performance.
Principal of Judaic studies, Rabbi Mendy Seewald, then handed out awards to exemplary students who excelled in specific areas.
HaTamim Simcha Tilson thanked all the secular teachers and instructors, acknowledging their dedication to the growth of each student. A gift for each teacher accompanied it.

Rabbi Mendel Mentz acknowledged the Shluchim, thanking them for their selfless dedication to our students. The Shluchim’s countless hours of farbrengens and inspiration fueled the students. Their input was invaluable and played a significant role in the growth of every student.
Principal Rabbi Naftali Smith and academic teacher Gavriel Fleiderman gave out the High School Diplomas, as well as business and trade certificates which included: Digital Marketing, Real Estate Management, Accounting & Entrepreneurship, Computer Coding, Electrical, Plumbing, Essential Job Skills, Investments & Mortgage Banking.
HaTamim Menachem Herrmann, got up to represent the student body and reflect on the fantastic experience and growth he and his fellow students had, and he thanked all the staff and Shluchim.
HaShliach Shally Lipszyc represented the Shluchim in reflecting on the fantastic Shlichus opportunity they had, reflecting on how much they have gained by giving of themselves to assist in the growth of the bochurim.

In closing, Rabbi Shmulik Schneerson shared a beautiful story about a soldier who followed his commander beyond their destination, he understood that being a true soldier meant trusting and following the commander, even when the journey seemed purposeless. This story reflects the Jewish people’s journey toward redemption, where understanding is not always necessary. It emphasizes the power to rise above reality and embrace what transcends intellect.

Additionally, JETS has announced that starting next year, the Yeshiva will be introducing a groundbreaking accredited Bachelor’s degree program. This program represents an exciting milestone in JETS’ ongoing commitment to providing high-quality education and expanding academic opportunities for their students.
This past year has seen unprecedented growth at JETS, and the extraordinary intensity in learning in which many of the students diligently persevered with their commitment to Torah learning. In addition to it’s world-class Smicha program and advanced coursework, the JETS Business School offers negotiation training, portfolio-building projects, and personal branding advice from a dedicated outcomes team. JETS provides access to its workplace opportunities network upon graduation, connecting graduates with firms to jumpstart their careers.